Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The War to End all Wars: 90th anniversary of WWI


Unknown said...

I'm not totally sure how I'm supposed to respond to this video. Perhaps it's because I haven't been in class for a week, or perhaps it's because there isn't much more to say. The key word used to describe the war here was "Sacrafice." Millions upon millions were used as pawns to defend their countries. This war, which was considered the war to end all wars, could be renamed the war of no names. Men were not seen as men but tools of war. Pretty sad.

Unknown said...

The idea of a war to end all wars is pretty ridiculous. I think war and conflict are things that are part of our basic human nature. In fact I think that wars will increase in frequency as resources become scarce because all wars are fought over resources in someway or another. The sheer size of this war I think is incomprehensible in modern day standards and I think that the international norms we have established will keep it from happening again. But as nick said I do believe these people were used as means to and end instead of means in them selves; however, I think this is still happening today and will continue to happen in the future.

Matt A said...

This video shows just how important the anniversary of WWI is. It is hard to fathom that a whole generation of men were killed during this war and it is hard to believe that there was no other way to push the lines forward other than sacrificing man after man, like someone said before me, its hard to imagine those kind of loses today. I'm sure it was equally difficult back then also and WWII occurred shortly thereafter, which included horrible things people couldn't imagine either. The world will never cease to surprise you. I agree with Edward that the idea of a war to end all wars is impossible. War will be around forever, especially as our differences grow greater as time progresses and available resources shrink.

Unknown said...

The idea of a war to end all wars is ridiculous. Realistically that would never happen. Somewhere in the World there is always going to be some sort of war, regardless of the scale. The thing that is sad about war is that people lose site of the number of lives that are lost during a war. A whole generation of men was lost during WWI. Think about the talent and impact that those men could have had on our World. Instead, there life was lost in war.