Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Libertè, Egalitè, e Fraternitè!

The Slogan´s of the French Revolution, Libertè, Egalitè, & Fraternitè influenced Spain and Europe in the past and continue to do so even today. The following are two interesting quotes of an important figure of the XIXth century which pose an interesting dilemma for those of us who believe in these ideals.

“Two words are enough to create evil, two words which because they are empty of meaning, enchant the dreamers by emptiness. These two words are Liberty & Equality.”

“The people let themselves be duped easily enough, you cannot exaggerate the goodness of the people, I might even say of all people’s, but their ignorance is great, and therefore they must be led.”

Prince Metternich
Austrian chancellor and foreign minister, dominated the European political scene after 1815. The architect of the Congress of Vienna he represented and embodied the conservative and autocratic values of the period. He was driven from power in 1848 when a revolution in Vienna forced him to flee the country.

What are your opinions? From the review we did of the XIXth century, how do you think these ideas apply to Spain during this period?